Sunday, February 26, 2006

Square Dance

There was a square dance Friday, February 24 at 7 pm... this time in the small gym. A good number of people showed up (surprisingly more guys than girls! ;)) and the evening was spent having good fun. :D

The caller taught us a new pattern this time... it was really cool once we got the hang of it! :)
"Shooting the Star"
...and Bob...
"Stick 'em up!" ....these Canadian cowboys! *shakes head* ;)
Between dances...
Matt and John...
All lined up to learn the waltz...
Putting the material learned into motion...
Megan, Justina, Aimee and Angela...
Chris and Larry...
Dennis and Jeff...
Having a good time!!! :D

The next square dance is slated for April 21 - open to all who have graduated high school! :)

A Day at SMC

These pictures were taken around school this past Friday by Dave... many thanks for letting me use them, Dave!!

Angela and the ever-popular harp :)
Joe and Monica...
Aimee and Andria...
David and Jenny...
The computer lab... populated as ever ;)
Studying for an upcoming English test... Anthony doesn't look quite sure what he's gotten himself into by not studying! ;)
Kenny at lunchtime...
Happy campers! :P ...Kenny, Mary, Chris, and Jeff...
Mary and Rachelle, studying...

Another Physical Science Lab...

This is a lab we did February 7... The pictures are courtesy of Will (thanks, Will!)
The lab involved rolling steel balls down an incline and letting them land on the tissue paper (under which was carbon paper) and then using the results for vector calculations.

An aerial view:

Will's team's lab report! :D