Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Please Remember in Your Prayers...

...the repose of the soul of Sean Skees, who passed away 9 months ago today, in his freshman year here at SMC.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

English class

Last Monday, during English class Dave gave a pretty impressive presentation on part of the Odyssey. He even demonstrated how someone was speared by Odysseus, with the assistance of Jozef. And of course once I had my camera out, the pictures just kept coming! Here they are.

Joe looks so oblivious doesn't he!

The speaker, the student, the book

Larry making a weird face at the camera!

They look so studious dont they! (Take a closer look...)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Follow-up on the Latest Bowling Post...

Hello, all!

Earlier in the week, I posted pictures from our recent bowling outing... I thought I'd also share a couple of funny video clips that were taken that evening. :D I hope you enjoy watching them as much as we-who-were-there enjoyed it "real time"!! :)

Here are the links:
Ryan - the Human Bowling Machine
Anthony's Unique Method of Bowling

God bless,

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Tuesdays are Lab Days

Today, we Physical Science students had a lab to measure the coefficient of linear expansion in a metal rod. Naturally, it provided the perfect opportunity for pictures. ;) Here are a few of them...

Mary and Megan pore over the lab before starting. :)
Anthony, Will and Ryan... oh yeah! and John. There under Will's arm.
Sarah, Tina and Joe...
Michelle looks very wary of Rebecca there!! :P

Oh! and just as a side note... we got the first snowfall of the season today! :D (Nothing stayed on the ground, of course, but it was great to see snowflakes again, nonetheless!)

Sunday, November 13, 2005


On Friday evening - November 11 - a bunch of us went bowling! :D
We took several cars and were going to meet at South Gage Bowl, but they didn't have any lanes available until after 9 pm, so we all trekked over to North Gage Bowl. Nathaniel told the guy behind the counter that we were college students (true enough - though not all SMC students :))... fortunately for us, the guy assumed Nathaniel was referring to Washburn there in Topeka, so he gave us all the Washburn rate for bowling - $2 a game!! :D No complaints were heard! :P
Mary Ann... Monica (yours truly) Will looks impressed with that frame. :) Gen and Emilie "fighting" over the bowling ball :D Will was also in fine form with a film camera Megan dances with joy. :D Anthony... :) We had five lanes reserved, in all. John doing a victory........ dance? Anthony, the human cannon-style bowling machine!! :P Sarah... Megan, going to return the balls to whence they came Mariann, preparing to bowl one of her final frames Caught in the act! ;) ...Will and Megan play air hockey after bowling... I don't know about everyone else, but after my carload of bowlers had had their fill of bowling, we went and got ice cream (yep, in November! :D) and then headed home. Thus ended one more outing to add to the memories of this year! :)

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Basketball Season has arrived!

The SMC basketball team played a heck of a game Thursday night, against Nebraska College of Technical Agricultural. Although we ended up losing 93-74, it was a close game in the first half and ended up being exciting all the way through! We're looking forward to a great basketball season in the weeks to come and we hope the team does well.
Here a few pictures from the second half of the game:

Kenny getting some mad air going for a rebound

Kenny must have gone to the line 50 times!

Some of the College spectators

The cheering section

Free throw, again courtesy of Kenny!


Some kind of weird hook shot or something?!

Lots of air on a shot by Chris!

If you would like to see all of them that I took, here is the link for them:


Good luck to the team for their upcoming season!